What is Kava?

Found throughout the Pacific Islands, Kava root has been prized for centuries because of it’s many health-giving effects - all of which align perfectly with the core benefits of float therapy. We think it’s a match made in heaven, and you can try it with us at GoFloat.

Blissful Calm + Relaxation

Kava creates a soothing effect on mind and body, assisting you to unwind and leave your busy stressful day behind. Described as “anti-coffee” - where a java brew winds you up and increases focus, kava mellows you out and induces a sociable, relaxed, grounded feeling. This talented plant helps our first time visitors to deepen their physical and mental relaxation before entering the float tanks, increasing the odds of positive float experiences from day one.

  • Kava is safe for most people, when bought from a reliable supplier - GoFloat uses FijiKava brand, which uses only Noble Kava and follows strict quality standards. The numerous benefits are too many to list here, so check out this link: https://fijikava.com.au/blogs/kava-101/kava-benefits

  • Kava should be avoided during pregnancy, and with certain medications. Talk to your doctor if you are unsure whether kava is right for you. Several common medications and their potential interactions with kava are listed here: https://fijikava.com.au/blogs/kava-101/kava-benefits

  • We drink kava at the beginning of our 90 minute sessions, so by the time you exit the pod you will have returned to normal. Like all natural products your mileage may vary so if you feel altered, we recommend you sit and enjoy the lounge a while until you feel ok to drive. Kava may last up to 2-4hrs.

